Monday, 12 May 2014

Waje Takes A Swipe At Those Criticizing The #BringBackOurGirls Campaign

In many quarters, many Nigerians are already calling for an  abrupt end to the #bringbackourgirls campaign. Many have argued that the #bringbackourgirls protest/campaign is already being abused by celebrities and other Nigerians, as people seem to be more interested in the publicity than in urging the government to take drastic steps to find the girls. Nigerian singer, Waje, is very upset with those in this school of thought. See what she shared on her instagram:


“Good morning and happy sunday. What I am about to say may be unnecessary considering the kind of people we are in this country (our holier than thou nature), pls pardon me and allow me say shame!!!!! Shame o! Big shame, see pple talking about meaningless issues, any person that speaks up after the Americans came in? So this is now a trend? Oya one person should organize a #bringbackourgirls award now. Tomorrow we will point fingers at pple not doing their job meanwhile we are even more horrible than they are, concentrate on the issue and stop looking for validation. Some pple have never tweeted or instagramed or even prayed but once it’s time to insult someone everyone will comment. Today is sunday so I won’t insult anyone, I will only nurse the shame I feel for my country man. Tufiakwa!! Echi fa kpo owe fa youths. Mcshew youth ndi ebe? Ta!!!”

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