Tuesday 15 July 2014

24-yr Old Spent Over £20,000 Trying to Look like Kim Kardashian

            Kim & Claire
                                                             Kim & Claire
London resident, 24 year old Claire Leeson, is so obsessed with Kim Kardashian that she has spent over £20,000 (more than $30,000) in plastic surgery trying to look more like her. Here’s what she said in her interview with ThisMorning :

“When I left school friends would tell me that I had a resemblance to Kim. So, I watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians and realised I had the same amount of siblings and that we have the same kind of arguments and things going on. I thought she was so beautiful and I really wanted to be like her.”
She continued:
“I’ve had my teeth whitened, then I wanted my boobs enhanced… and with pictures [of Kim] explained to my surgeon that I wanted to look like this. I also wear bum padding – it’s a silicone base. Pants with silicone inside. They feel very real… and hopefully will end up having that done because my bum is never going to be as big as Kim’s is.’
I look at Kim so much and would love to be exactly like her because sometimes I feel like I’m not fully confident all the time within myself. My family are really worried, but they are so used to it now, but I know that I want to be happy.
I was badly, badly bullied over my looks and it took me ten years to realise that I wasn’t unattractive. I was so badly bullied that I didn’t want to be alive anymore.
At the moment, I feel like what I’m doing might not be right but I feel it’s what is best for me for the time being because when I get my Kimmy on I feel like I’m unstoppable and untouchable and I feel like no one can stop me and I can make something of myself.
According to her, these drastic steps she has taken to appear more like the Kim, are an attempt to gain self-confidence after being severely bullied in her childhood.
“I was told every day that I was the ‘ugliest thing alive’ and I should ‘kill myself.
CLAIRE who  is now in debt says all she thinks about is, looking more like Kim…
“I do work but the job I do doesn’t pay as much… so it’s credit cards and debts up to my eyeballs.  I’ve had [bailiff] letters, but I just ignore them and I say to myself that I will pay them – but as soon as money comes in I just think about getting my Kimmy on! And I’ll buy the new hair, make up or whatever…
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian
See more photos of Claire:
  kim k17kim k18 kim k20kim k21kim k22kim k23kim k24

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