Sunday 22 June 2014

World Cup 2014: Check Out The HOTTEST Female Fans So Far – Photos

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As we heading into the knockout stages of the 2014 Fifa World Cup, football fever has well and truly swept the entire world in the past few weeks. Football fans have enjoyed great football and some of the most super-enthusiastic fans spotted in the stadiums and on the streets of Brazil so far have been women. Here are 15 of the hottest girls we have seen in the stadiums so far. 

10.  Spanish Fans [Chile vs Spain - Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro]


9. Team USA [United States vs Ghana - Das Dunas, Natal]


8. Team Colombia [Colombia vs Greece - Mineirao, Belo Horizonte]


7. Team Brazil [Brazil vs Croatia - Arena Corinthians, Sao Paolo]


6.  Brazil & England Fans [Italy vs England - Arena Amazonia, Manaus]


 5.  Team Iran [Iran vs Nigeria - Arena Baixada, Curitiba] 


4.  German Fan [Germany vs Portugal - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador]


 3. Team Portugal [Germany vs Portugal - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador]

 2.  Spain Fan [Spain vs Chile - Maracana, Rio de Janeiro]

1. Team Costa Rica [Uruguay vs Costa Rica - Castelao, Fortaleza] 


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